- Develop, maintain and take responsibility for driving forward the club development plan, including timetabling, allocating roles & responsibilities and monitoring progress. Items for consideration could include: Different ways to play, new pitch opportunities, the introduction of new roles into the club, partnership arrangements, member feedback on club direction
- Timetable committee meetings for the year (liaise with the committee regarding most suitable dates)
- Chair committee meetings
- Arrange AGM date
- Prepare Chairman’s report for AGM
- Ensure all club sections are performing – liaise regularly with section chairs
- Ensure all others on the committee carry out their respective responsibilities
- Liaise with Umpiring Officer, Club Captains, and the executive committee on any disciplinary matters relating to individual players or incidents, in line with the constitution
- Represent the Club as necessary on any committees or at any meeting
- Ensure smooth running of Club, proactively addressing any issues that might arise.
- Work to recruit, recognise, reward and retain those who volunteer for and on behalf of the club
- Provide access to coach, official, volunteer opportunities for club members
- Ensure Volunteer recruitment and training is included in the club development plan
- Be responsible for all aspects of discipline within the club.
- Facilitate search for club sponsorship.
- Deputise for Chair as and when appropriate
- To have specific responsibility for a particular area of the clubs develppment as defined by the chair and general committee (e.g. responsibility for club development, specific project)
- Develop club plan, both short term and long term with associated actions
- Maintain and take responsibility for driving forward club development plan, including timetabling, allocating roles & responsibilities and monitoring progress. Items for consideration could include: Different ways to play, new pitch opportunities, the introduction of new roles into the club, partnership arrangements, member feedback on club direction
- Be responsible for all club finances
- Advise and report to the committee on all matters financial
- Prepare a set of audited accounts for presentation to AGM year, with associated commentary
- Prepare annual budget and make recommendations for annual subscription rates and weekly match fees for the season ahead
- Maintain all financial paperwork.
- Monitor receipt of all funds.
- Receive, validate and arrange payment of all bills
- Ensure that club has public liability insurance
- Pay affiliation fees as appropriate
- Provide financial status report to each committee meeting
- Ensure minutes are kept of each meeting and agendas are followed
- Arrange meetings as required.
- Ensure all correspondence is handled
- Undertake England Hockey annual affiliation process
- Ensure notice of AGM is circulated in line with constitution
- To equally represent all members of the club and be known to them.
- To manage the section and report to the Club Committee
- To be responsible for all matters that relate to the section on behalf of the club.
- To plan the goals and objectives of the section for the season.
- Oversee training and coaches so that all members get relevant training/time on pitch.
- Determine training requirements for the section, help organise coaches and send pitch requirements to the pitch manager.
- Oversee selection process so that policy is fairly and consistently applied.
- Attend and jointly chair playing committee meetings.
- Liaise with the Head of Junior Development to help provide coaches and also aid in the integration of juniors into senior sides.
- To remain impartial on discussions affecting members.
- To be the first point of contact for new/possible new members.
- To avoid/minimise loss of players from the club.
- Oversea the provision of junior training sessions.
- Oversea the provision of junior teams.
- Ensure effective development of junior section members into senior section players.
- Ensure effective communication between both sections
- Liaising with the captains and club captains, monitor the progress of players across the teams.
- Discuss player progression with other player mentors, coaches and captains.
- Support individual players to progress through the club and beyond.
- Help ensure the right player attends the right training sessions.
- Ensure collection of annual subscriptions, maintaining records of those paid and providing regular updates to committee, and captains.
- Advise captains of all paid members contact details including emergency contact details
- Advise Committee of unpaid members so appropriate action can be taken in line with the constitution
- Accept new members into the club and set them up with relevant information, pass details on to the appropriate Captian/section/ etc etc
- Assist new members to set up a direct debit with the club.
- Change / charge/set up the relevant fees well before the start of the winter season and summer season.
- Adjust individual fees at members request or when situations change
- Follow up members whose Direct Debit has failed.
- Monitor the automated responses Clubbuzz sends out.
- Send out emails to all registered members as necessary/requested
- Ensure the collection dates are correctly processing and the financial balance is accurate
- Monitor the level of admin access each member has been give and adjust as is necessary
- Train Captains in the use to clubuzz for selection, submitting weekly match fees, add scores
- Communicate with Clubbuzz and GoCardless staff when help is required.
- Oversee the management of the club’s social media accounts.
- Issue press releases associated with the club and liaise with the media.
- Produce a weekly result sheet for distribution to club members.
- Produce a newsletter as and when required – at least twice a year.
- Produce all publicity for recruitment etc. on behalf of the club, and distribute.
- Report to the main committee regarding all matters social and media.
- Ensure that there is effective communication between all parts of the club.
- To update and improve the club’s website by liaising with the necessary personnel from with the club
- Ensure season’s fixtures and pitches are on the website
- Identify all appropriate club news and add to the website
- Be creative in identifying potential areas of improvement to website
- Create a new team as required and move players into team squads
- Help input the matches each season
- Gather details of all home fixtures
- Follow guidance on team priorities and get pitches block booked
- Gather requirements for training sessions during season and block book
- Establish dates upon which pitches are surplus to requirements or needed – and advise Treasurer of bookings made.
- Publish list of allocations, advise captains and get captains agreement.
- Place on website in liaison with the Webmaster.
- During the season manage requests for additional pitches and cancellations
- Monitor pitch cancellations due to poor weather, advise treasurer – and book any replacement pitches required
- Facilitate arrangement of friendly fixtures as required.
- Liaise with captains as to their requirements for additional friendly fixtures.
- Draw up an annual social plan, for agreement by committee.
- Liaise with Treasurer regarding financing (aim is to achieve “break-even” over the year)
- Organise an Annual Dinner and Dance
- Help organise annual awards evening.
- Organise other social events, as appropriate.
- Report to the main committee regarding all matters social
- Investigate, where appropriate all incidents providing reports to relevant bodies and recommending appropriate actions for agreement, and monitoring effective completion of agreed actions
- Hold occasional umpires meetings’ to disseminate information.
- Circulate umpiring information to players, coaches and umpires
- Arrange umpiring courses
- Educate the number of players (as specified in Club Development plan) to umpiring level 1 and encourage others to improve their grading each year
- Report to the committee on all matters associated with umpiring
- Liaise with respective Team Captain and the Chairman on any disciplinary matters relating to individual players/incidents.
- Assist the club to fulfil its responsibilities to safeguard children and young people.
- To be the first point of contact for staff, volunteers, parents and children/young people where concerns about children’s welfare, poor practice or child abuse are identified.
- Ensure all those who need to undergo DBS checks do
- Be the first point of contact with the England Hockey’s Child Welfare Officer.
- Implement England Hockey’s reporting and recording procedures.
- Maintain contact details for local social services, police and the Area Child Protection Committee.
- Promote England Hockey’s best practice guidance/code of ethics & behaviour within the club and anti-discriminatory practice.
- Ensure confidentiality is maintained.
- Oversee and coordinate the search for club sponsors.
- Liaise with teams who are searching for sponsorship and keep a central record of all sponsors.
- Investigate available grant funding streams and apply for grants as required.
- Feedback to the committee on applications and progress.
- Oversee the maintenance of the astroturf, including
- Periodically getting the pitch swept.
- Arranging repairs to goals/nets as required.
- Arrange for lines to be marked as required.
- Ensure maintenance of lights.
- Arrange repairs to fencing etc as required.
- Ensure the servicing of the toilet with company.
- Manage all elements of club clothing and kit, including new designs and proactive liaison with suppliers.
- Facilitate sourcing of match and training balls for season
- Represent the club at Sports Club meetings
- Select a team of at least 11 players each week plus an umpire (except where there are
appointed umpires). - Confirm details to any appointed umpires prior to each match
- Provide a match ball for all home games.
- Advise opposition and umpires of any change to location and timings of home games in accordance with league rules.
- Ensure First Aid kit is present at each game.
- Adopt club selection policy and discuss with other captains selection each week.
- Decide whether or not to enter any cup competitions.
- Communicate any relevant information to players as directed by the committee or other.
- Nominate a vice captain who will be responsible for team finances (match fees, annual subscriptions, Dinner/Dance tickets…..).
- Report to the main committee via club captain on all matters concerning the team.
- In the case of the first team captains, submit a match report to the press each week (liaise with Communications Officer).
- Maintain records of who played where and when.
- Input the score onto the GMS system following each match.
- Update fixtures, results and match reports on the website
- Inform players, umpires and tea supplier in the event of cancellation.
- Inform opposing Captain in the event of home cancellation.
- Liaise with Umpire Liaison Officer and Chairman in respect to any disciplinary matter relating to individual players or incidents, in line with constitution.
- Follow England Hockey child protection guidelines
- Complete incident report if and when required.