Conduct and Behaviour of Players:

All players shall behave in a respectful manner and in the “fair play” spirit of hockey.

  • No member of LHC shall seek to intimidate or incentivise an official or member of another club in any manner whatsoever, either directly or indirectly.
  • No player shall demonstrate violent behavior or conduct or shall deliberately seek to causeharm or injury to another player.
  • All players shall respect the decision of the team captains/coaches in the selection ofrespective teams.
  • Players are expected to acknowledge that the captain’s/coach’s decision is absolute and finalon all playing and disciplinary matters during a match.
  • Players shall accept the decision of the umpires in all circumstances, in accordance with therules of England Hockey.
  • Members playing in teams or associated with junior members (under 18 years of age) arereminded of the England Hockey Safe Guarding Policy.

Disciplinary Offences:The following actions may give rise to the commencement of a disciplinary process. They are not exhaustive and also include the use of all communication and publication methods, including social media and WhatsApp.

  • Actions contradictory to LHC Safe Guarding Policy
  • Actions that arise in bringing LHC’s reputation and image into disrepute, either directly or through association.
  • Negligent or consciously unsafe behavior
  • Disrespectful, degrading, intimidating or bullying, language or behavior towards another clubmember, a match official, a member of another club or member of the public.
  • Violent conduct
  • Exclusion from the field of play (red card)
  • Persistent suspension from the field of play.
  • Defiance of direct instructions of a designated club official responsible for upholding the clubvalues and rules. (eg. Covid 19 Office, Captain)
  • Deliberate failure or refusal to implement a sanction issued by the disciplinary committee.
  • Any deliberate breach of the club’s or Government’s Covid regulations.

Disciplinary and Grievance Process:

The disciplinary and grievance process is an impartial mechanism to investigate, review and decide a course of action that it is in the best interests of the club and the individuals involved. The club will look to ensure that at all times:
• A full fair and rounded investigation shall take place.
• The outcome of an investigation will never be pre-judged.
• Only one investigating officer will conduct the investigation, where practical and appropriate. • Any outcomes and sanctions will be explained personally.

Disciplinary Committee

The disciplinary committee of LHC is comprised of the Committee, as defined by its constitution. However not all committee members are required to attend all hearings. Any disciplinary matter involving contravention of the Safeguarding policy shall also include the Clubs’ welfare office. One of the Vice Chairs of the club shall be considered as a member of the disciplinary committee in the absence of, or as delegated by the Chair.

NOTE: Should it be considered that there could be an actual or perceived conflict of interest with the involvement of any of the Disciplinary Committee due to their involvement with an issue or through a personal relationship, then they shall not participate in the process. In this instance, another committee member, or the Vice Chairperson shall replace them.The final decision on the composition of the disciplinary committee rests with the Chairperson (or in their absence, the Vice Chair.)


All members subject to disciplinary matters (known as Respondents) have the right to participate in a disciplinary hearing in person and may invite another club member to corroborate their version of events. As a members clubs, LHC does not recognise any external legal representatives. A guardian or parent will be expected to be represent any junior member involved in disciplinary process.

Disciplinary Resolution Process:

  1. Where a complaint arises, the Chair or his/her delegate shall form an initial disciplinary committee, as per the guidance in this document within seven days of receiving the complaint.

2. The Sections Club Captain, or his/her delegate, shall act as the investigating officer.

NOTE: Should it be considered that there could be an actual or perceived conflict of interest with the involvement of any of the Disciplinary Committee due to their involvement with an issue or through a personal relationship, then they shall not participate in the process. In this instance they shall be replaced by another committee member, or the Vice Chair.

  1. The Respondent shall be informed of an investigation being undertaken, both verbally and in writing by the Investigating Officer.
  2. All parties will be interviewed by the Investigating Officer, including the Respondent.
  3. The disciplinary committee shall convene, either in person or via other means of verbalcommunication within fourteen days of receiving the complaint.
  4. The Respondent shall be informed of the outcome of the investigation and, if appropriate, theoutcome. In all instances, a reason and an explanation will be provided.
  5. A copy of the decision (and supporting information) will be forwarded to the club secretary.

In order that no proceeding or outcomes are compromised, LHC reserves the right to invoke a temporary suspension from the club with immediate effect to the individual(s) involved, without any pre-judgement or precedence whatsoever.

Furthermore LHC reserves the right to invoke a temporary suspension from the club with immediate effect to the individual(s) involved, without any pre-judgement whatsoever, in the event that the incident gives rise to concern for safety or a potential escalation of the matter whilst an investigation is in progress.

This course of action would only be taken after a vote of all available committee members, with a majority decision determining the outcome. No committee member involved in the process will be allowed to vote.

Disciplinary Committee (initial):

The membership of the committee should be as follows:

  • Either the Club Captain (Ladies or Mens)
  • Either the Chair, Club Secretary or Club Treasurer.

Where any individual Under 18 involved the following individuals should also be included:

• Club Welfare Officer
*A Vice Chair of the club shall be considered a member in the absence of, or as delegated by, the Chairman.

Where conduct has been determined to contravene the rules of LHC, then an appropriate sanction shall be agreed and communicated to the Respondent.

Sanction CategorySanctionDuration of Sanction (If appropriate)
2Temporary suspension from matches and or responsibilities.1-12 weeks
3Temporary suspension from matches > 12 weeks. Loss of position of responsibility.1 month – 1 season
4Temporary Suspension from club activities including the club house1 week – 1 season
5Exlcusion of membership1 year – permanent

The above sanctions relate to club sanctions only and may be supplemented by any England Hockey or legal proceedings. In the event that either England Hockey or legal proceedings are initiated relating to incidents where a club disciplinary process would normally occur, the LHC disciplinary process shall be delayed until these have been concluded.

Escalation Process:

Any proven disciplinary matter that would merit a sanction more serious than a temporary playing suspension of longer than 12 week shall escalate to a full disciplinary hearing. Furthermore should the same incident be repeated within a period of 12 months by the Respondent, then a full disciplinary hearing shall also be convened.

Should the original investigation and subsequent deliberation of the process result without unanimous consensus on the outcome, the the initial Disciplinary Committee shall disband and a full Disciplinary Hearing will be convened.


Should a Respondent wish to appeal then, this must be received by the Club Secretary within three days of the original decision being communicated. A full disciplinary committee will then be convened.

The original disciplinary committee shall not take part in the appeals process, other than the individual designated as the Investigating Office. The Vice Chair will be available to participate in the appeals process if they did not take part in the original process.

Full Disciplinary Hearing:

The minimum composition of the disciplinary committee to be considered as a quorum at a full hearing shall be four participants, comprising of at least:
• 2 of Club Captain (Men’s and or Ladies), or Head of Junior Development
• 2 of Chair (or A Vice Chair if unavailable), Secretary or Treasurer.

Where any individual under 18 is involved in this process the Club Welfare Office should be included.


The process shall be the same as in the Disciplinary Resolution Process, with the following exceptions:

  1. The disciplinary committee shall convene in person where feasible, though some may participate by other verbal means of communication.
  2. The Respondents shall be expected to participate in the meeting in person. If the Respondent is under 18 years of age, then a parent or guardian should also be in attendance.
  3. The Respondents shall be permitted to present their version of events and provide any mitigating circumstances directly to the disciplinary committee members.


The decision of a full disciplinary hearing is final. A Respondent has no right of appeal to the process.


In the event that suspension or exclusion is considered appropriate, then the Respondent does not have the right to reclaim their membership fee for that season.